Board Meetings
Meeting Notice Disclaimer
Regular board meetings are held at Fire Station #2 (895 Via Appia Way, Louisville, CO) on the first Monday of each month at 7 PM. Except in March, June, September, and December, they begin immediately after the 7 PM. quarterly pension meetings (unless otherwise noted).
Certain meetings may be held electronically. Final information regarding the location or manner of each meeting will be posted at the District’s designated posting location at least 24 hours in advance.
Notices of meetings (regular, special and work/study session) of the Board required pursuant to §24-6-401, et seq ., C.R.S., shall be posted at least 24 hours before each meeting at Louisville Fire Station 2, 895 Via Appia Way, Louisville, Colorado as well as on this website.
Open Records Requests
Open Records Policy pursuant to Section 24-72-205, C.R.S. The District’s research and retrieval fee are $20.00 per hour.
A person granted the right to inspect District records may also be furnished copies requested at the cost of twenty-five cents ($.25) per standard page. The charge for providing a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record in a format other than a standard page will be assessed at the actual cost of production.
Additionally, in those cases where the location or existence of specific documents must be researched, and the documents must be retrieved, sorted, or reviewed for applicability to the request. Such a process requires more than one hour of staff time, and the Custodian may charge a research and retrieval fee not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) per hour.
The Custodian will not impose a charge for the first hour expended in connection with the research and retrieval of public records.
The District may require a deposit to cover the estimated cost to produce such records, including the cost of the copies and the research and retrieval fee, prior to commencing work to produce such records. Payment of any actual costs exceeding the deposit must be made when releasing the final work product or copies.
Monday, Jan. 08, 2024 | 7:00 pm
January 2024 Board of Directors Meeting
Station #2, 895 Via Appia Way, Louisville, CO 80027
January 2024 Board of Directors Meeting
Jan 08 | 7pm - 9pm
Station #2, 895 Via Appia Way, Louisville, CO 80027
895 Via Appia Way, Louisville, CO, USA
The regular meeting of the Louisville Fire Protection District Board of Directors will be at 7:00 p.m. at Fire Station #2, 895 Via Appia Way, Louisville, Colorado. The meeting will also be broadcast through Zoom.
Virtual Contact: (719) 3594580
Virtual Meeting ID: 88964658061
zoom Public Notice